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Why Mediate Instead of Litigate

Sunrise on Swan River Big Fork MT
“We do not see things as they are. We see things as we are.” 
Rabbi Shemuel ben Nachmani, as quoted in the Talmudic tractate Berakhot (55b.)

If only we had a crystal ball...

We don't all have the insight to read other's minds.  However, facilitated communication may help develop a path to resolution that had not been explored in the past.




The situation may not be as hard as it seems...George Bernard Shaw once said "The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that is has taken place."

Everyone deserves to be heard but often we don't exercise that right.  Through productive conversation and emotional expression, mediation offers the appropriate environment for developing sustainable resolution.


Balance of Power...

It may feel that conflict is threatening your safety and security, throwing your entire life off balance.  Mediation may help you regain your sense of empowerment by allowing open communication in a controlled, neutral environment.



Take control of your future...

You are the only person that has control of your reality.  Do not fall victim to the domestication of believing you are the victim of your environment or situation.  Take an active role in resolving the conflict and redirecting your path.


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